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Message to the HPC Community on the Passing of Mike Gill


February 3, 2024

To the HPC community,


With great sadness, and on behalf of all my colleagues at the Housing Policy Council, I share news of the death today of our friend and colleague Mike Gill.


No words can express the depth of sympathy we feel for Mike and his family. Our thoughts are with his wife Kristina and their three children, Sean, Brian, and Annika, his mother, and siblings as they deal with this tragic loss.


Mike’s death is also a huge loss for the Housing Policy Council and for the Washington, DC community, which has lost an outstanding citizen, neighbor, co-worker, and friend. 


A long-time resident of the District, Mike served his country and his city through positions on Capitol Hill, at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Crowell and Moring law firm, and on the DC Board of Elections, among other professional roles and community service.  Since 2021, Mike led the Housing Policy Council’s capital markets work.

His HPC colleagues mourn his loss.  We admired Mike personally and professionally; he was an outstanding lawyer, public servant, colleague, and community member, giving his time and talent in service to his country, his city, his church, and his community.  More than that, Mike was a devoted husband and father, who adored his wife and children.

Mike was shot downtown during evening rush hour on Monday, January 29th in an apparent carjacking incident, part of a crime spree that also took the life of a young father.  We join the DC community in expressing our gratitude to the law enforcement officers who took action and our grief for the victims. We also voice here our frustration and anger at the continued stream of violence that is damaging our community and subjecting countless families like Mike’s to unbearable loss.  This cycle of violence must be stopped.


Please continue to keep the Gill family in your prayers.  HPC will miss Mike’s presence in our lives.


Rest in peace, Mike.


Ed DeMarco


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