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New Videos Explain the Link between Cash Flow and Risk in the U.S. Housing Market


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 9, 2024

Housing Finance Quick Takes Created to Inform Washington Policy Makers

Washington, D.C. – The Housing Policy Council (HPC) today launched Housing Finance Quick Takes, a collection of 11 brief videos designed to provide a more complete framework for understanding the complex workings of America’s housing finance system.


These four-to-five-minute videos explain the private sector and the federal government’s respective roles in the U.S. housing system and across the distinct market segments, and, critically, how risk is managed within each segment to serve different types of borrowers. The video series walks viewers through the methods used to manage, transfer, mitigate, and price the risks associated with each mortgage loan.


“Our goal is to equip policy-focused audiences new to the housing finance space with a framework that will help them better understand what is needed to maintain a stable and accessible housing finance system,” said Ed DeMarco, President, HPC. “As we welcome a new Congress and a new Administration in January, it’s a good time to clarify how our system works so we can avoid unintended disruptions to the mortgage market.”


Targeted towards policymakers, congressional staff, and other housing policy stakeholders, the videos are helpful to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of how mortgages are financed in our country - a sector that makes up a good portion of the nation’s economy. The series also offers a clear explanation of how cash flows within the housing finance system, emphasizing the pivotal role that sound risk management plays in attracting global capital.


By explaining how some $13 trillion flows from global investors to individual borrowers and back to the investors, the series highlights that the best path to expanded access and affordability is through effective risk management.


You can watch a trailer or view the complete series here.



About HPC

The Housing Policy Council is a trade association comprised of the leading national mortgage lenders and servicers; mortgage, hazard, and title insurers; and technology and data companies. Our interest is in the safety and soundness of the housing finance system, the equitable and consistent regulatory treatment of all market participants, and the promotion of lending practices that create sustainable homeownership opportunities in support of vibrant communities and long-term wealth-building for families.  For more information, visit



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